Desk of the President
First, let me say thank you so much for your feedback on chapter surveys. I want you to know that we have listened intently and heard you fully! We collected lots of information and received great responses to help further shape our Chapter member programming. As a result, we are working diligently the remainder of the year to create more networking opportunities, enhance our communication & e-commerce portals, and remain focused on developing education & certification training opportunities.
Empowering chapter members to be great in their profession is the reason we are here. It’s our pleasure to help you excel in your professional career and personal life, whether you are a seasoned PM or new in the PM role.
In the coming months, you will see PMI Memphis extending opportunities to grow and develop like never before. Whether through new certification program offerings, or community-based fun outings, or introducing you to our brand-new website platform. Either way, we are ready to help you reach your full potential as a project practitioner.
Lastly, it’s time to get super excited about our biggest networking and professional development opportunity of the year. Yes, Professional Development Day 2023!
All day, we will have great food, live music, impactful speakers, professional headshots (valued at the price of admission alone!) and tons of networking opportunities. And gain 7.5 PDUs for enjoying a day with us!
Our keynote speaker is Hal Elrod, “The Miracle Morning” and manifestation guru. He has helped countless people, including me, transform their lives and families. And I assure you, this time with Hal will be life-changing for you too!
Early bird registration is now open at https://pmimemphis.org/meet-reg1.php?id=265 and ends August 11th.
See you soon,
Tamara Brown
President, PMI Memphis
Happy Anniversary
Thank you to these renewing members whose memberships with PMI Memphis are reaching great milestones:
1 Year Anniversary
- Kapil Bajaj
- Joshua Newell
- Roger Miller
- Laritza Diversent
- Darin Gerlach
- Virginia Duke
- Kevin McIntyre
- Worlanyo Segbefia
- Elige Campbell
- Sonja Dowell
- Mr. Steven Cannon
- Stacey Robinson