PMI Education Offerings
PMI Memphis endeavors to offer many ways for members to develop themselves professionally. We are actively working to grow our certification preparation offerings to you because PMI has a strong set of professional credentials from which to draw. When you earn a credential from PMI, it really says a lot about your work history, your professional ethic, and your willingness to work hard to earn that extra “something” that distinguishes you from the crowd.
Regional or Global Offerings
Don’t just rest on your professional laurels—use PMI’s PM TRAINING SITE (formerly PMI® SeminarsWorld®) to access PMI Global or Regional events. Some offerings are in person, and some are in a virtual format.
PMI® Virtual Experience Series
PMI VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE SERIES are regional or global themed conferences that are conducted regularly now for the benefit of PMI members. Visit the page and register for any event you like. Many are free. Most are recorded and allow you to view recordings for a time period after the event concludes.
Chapter Meetings & Guest Speaker Topics

Chapter Meetings & Guest Speaker Topics
Watch the Calendar or Events for registration links for chapter meetings, each offering a guest speaker or panel covering a topic that impacts projects or the people performing project work. PMI Memphis tries to present many informative options that meet PMI Learning Triangle qualifications.