Most of PMI’s work is done by volunteers.
PMI was founded by volunteers – people who wanted to enhance the profession of project management, share new ideas, and reap the benefits of expanding connections and career advancement opportunities.
Thanks to PMI’s volunteers, project management is recognized and valued by organizations and governments around the world.
For 20 years, PMI Memphis has supported as many as 4000 members and non-members by the work of local volunteers. What is keeping you from serving as a volunteer to keep PMI Memphis thriving and growing vibrantly?
How does volunteering benefit the volunteer?
Gain meaningful, personal fulfillment from helping others and making a difference locally
Develop and sharpen vital new skills, including leadership, collaboration, and team-building techniques
Gain experience in new areas of practice that can be marketed on online professional profiles or resumes
Build your professional network by developing mutually beneficial relationships with other project managers
Earn PDUs for your volunteer time up to limits allowed for "Giving Back to the Profession"
Gain LinkedIn recommendations from a Board Member in appreciation for specific work performed

How can I volunteer for PMI Memphis TODAY?
Log In
Log into https://vrms.pmi.org and use your pmi.org credentials
Search for opportunities in Memphis, TN
Apply for one or more opportunities that will leverage or stretch your skills
If you are interested in learning more about a posting, email VOLUNTEER@PMIMEMPHIS.ORG and ask your questions. Most of the VRMS postings for PMI Memphis indicate the board member with which the position is aligned. Reach out to that board member also via contact information found HERE. If you think of another way you would like to volunteer, email VOLUNTEER@PMIMEMPHIS.ORG and share your idea. We can create a position for you. Thank you!
We appreciate every volunteer. PMI Memphis is 100% dependent on volunteer service!